Welcome to Grapefruit Ninja! We’re a couple of carefree gamers who share an interest in good games and positive communities.
The players involved in games can be as fun as the game itself.
And these days, playing with others is such a part of the gaming experience we wanted to make sure to highlight those rare games that are not only are a blast to play, but can meet great people doing it.

Lover of Cozy GamingI’m Alice, but friends call me Ali. Gaming has always been my space to create and engage with stories. The Sims and Minecraft were my go-to’s growing up that I could play with family. I still play and enjoy them today.

Must Laugh While GamingI’m Puck! Real name Vivian. I play games to laugh, feel a thrill and escape. I’m as happy disappearing into Genshin Impact and MMO’s at home or Pokemon Go and Candy Crush when I’m out. Being creative in Minecraft or The Sims makes me laugh as much as beating my brothers at Civ VI. If a game can put a smile on my face – I’m in!

Here for the lulsWe met B-Roll gaming and he just kinda grew on us. Plus, he helps us with the site. Sometimes we let him write about a game because they are mostly ones we don’t play very much (: